Some people reach for stars. Others birth galaxies.
Be the exception
Some come to awaken magic. Others come to awaken millions.
Let's do both
Welcome to the most brilliant vocation on earth!
This is the moment the visionary, coach, healer, teacher, leader, mystic, artist, mentor and creator within alchemise into one revolutionary force.
Learn the tools, receive the transmissions and apply the technology that ensures excellence, life mastery and creates prosperity for a lifetime.
Month after month we deliver courses, codes, transmissions, certifications and retreats for your exponential growth. All of our teachings are curated for you to quickly access your unique path and fast track your destiny.
This is about you becoming who you were meant to be.
This is embodied soul brilliance
This is the ECLIPSE Experience
3,6,12 Month Journey
EXPLORE THE ECLIPSEEclipse your past, quicken your ascension process and quantum leap your reality so you can fully incarnate.
The dharmic path your soul has chosen is bright and you are here to create prosperity.
"Vanya is a master at her work. Precise. Profound and very Magical "
Siva Di Carlo
"I have been searching my entire life for these teachings"

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