A Sacred Journey into Your Brilliance
When the lineage of your soul's brilliance desires to incarnate again
Those who choose to work with me are fully committed to activating, embodying, and delivering their brilliance to the world. They understand that there is only one true path – the path of incarnating one's unique purpose into physical reality.
This is a soul mission, one that requires deep internal work, a profound sense of divine knowing, and a continuous choice to step, time and again, into your greatness.
There is only one true path
Do you recall the promise you made before your conception? It is this very desire that guides you toward your current self-mastery. It is the soul's fire within, yearning and burning for completion. It is your great soul's lineage calling you to manifest and assist humanity. It is your conscious decision to embrace your path as a creator and leader in your destined field of work.
Your success is the embodiment of this and your prosperity actualises when you gift it to the world. This trinity completes your dharma.
In this private mentorship container we play at high levels, pioneering your unique path. A sacred and cathartic process to your brilliance. You are held every step of the way to blossom.

This is the incarnation of your soul. The acceleration of your business. The welcoming of a new wave of prosperity and divinity into you life.
Becoming your Brilliance
As a mentor, my greatest joy is supporting you to becoming your brilliance. My role is to hold a sacred space that encourages the totlaity of your being to emerge in full presence and pure power.
Through a blend of coaching, energy work, channelling, transmissions, and more, you will be guided to shed the layers that conceal your magnificence until you fully embody it. Together, we rekindle the truth of your light.
For some, this means stepping into their next level as a coach, healer, teacher, facilitator, or leader. It may also be about receiving your unique cosmology of teachings or destined creations that are meant to gift the world and how to do it. For others, it entails a necessary reinvention to elevate their identity, business, brand, offerings, relationships, and life direction.
However, for everyone, this mentorship serves as a divine timing and a gateway to their next level of prosperity. It is a gift you give to yourself because you understand that there is more:
More love
More power
More truth
More wealth
More divinity
My role is to guide, support and celebrate you as you walk your path toward your highest destiny.
Your role is to continually choose your greatness.
Together, we co-create a multidimensional field of light to ensure the manifestation of your brilliance.
By applying for 1:1 mentorship with me, you are investing in the realisation of your highest visions. In doing so we activate a special gateway that leads you to your brilliance so the universe can reflect your magnificence back.
Together we activate a sacred gateway that leads you to your brilliance so the universe can reflect your magnificence back.
Meet your Mentor
Vanya Silverten
For more than a decade, I have dedicated myself to being a professional master energy healer and teacher. My work has been recognized by OK Magazine, which has described it as both 'cathartic' and 'uplifting.' Throughout this journey, I have had the privilege of assisting over 50,000 individuals from over 80 countries in their spiritual growth and life transformations. I have conducted inspirational talks, workshops, retreats, immersions, meditations, and practitioner trainings worldwide, collaborating with athletes, royalty, celebrities, doctors, children, and all those who aspire to embody their soul's brilliance.
My mission revolves around empowering bright souls to awaken their human bodies and merge with the infinite consciousness of love, truth, wisdom, and prosperity. Through this journey, we activate soul incarnation, unlock supernatural abilities in healing and intuition, foster wealth creation, and embark on the brilliant path of entrepreneurship and leadership. This is the ultimate path of self-actualization, and my life's work is dedicated to advancing you in every aspect—body, mind, heart, soul, and life. Together, we elevate reality.
Since 2012, I have conducted over 250 live transformational trainings across eight different countries, delivered over 18,000 hours of private healing sessions, certified thousands of individuals as qualified healers and coaches, authored a bestselling book, am the governess of Theta Academia, have effectively managed and contributed to the success of spiritual and well-being companies that have generated multiple millions worldwide. I am the founder of THE ECLIPSE, and the CEO of my 7-figure brand. My mission is to assist destined leaders in reclaiming their voice, visions, teachings, and mastery so they can revolutionize their businesses, lives, and relationships. The pinnacle of my offerings lies in private mentoring.

years of experience
hours of 1:1 Consultations
director of companies
counties visited
Choose your journey
- 90min initiation call
- Bi weekly 60 minute calls (for duration package)
- 3 hour strategy call every 3 months with Vanya (1 for 3 months, 2 for 6 months, 4 for 12 months)
- 3 hour admin strategy call every 3 months with Vanya's exceptional PA Stephanie
- Unlimited voice note and text messages (for duration of package)
- Course Lifetime Access to the Eclipse Vaults
- Legacy of Light & Dynasty of Light mastercourses
- 6 month includes Living Goddess Retreat
- 12 month includes Living Goddess & Living Priestess Retreat plus a private initiation ceremony.
- Payment plans available
Pricing: Apply below and we will be in touch!
3 months: £8888
6 months: £16 666
12 months: £33 333
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There is only one path